Hailing from Los Angeles, The Pretty Cult is entirely female owned an operated, founded in 2015. Owner Arielle Salsa started The Pretty Cult as a creative outlet and a way to replicate the clothing she saw in films and musicians were wearing on stage. With roots heavily planted in the rock and hard rock community, the brand has grown to be an all-inclusive space for anyone to come and feel welcome, feel good about themselves, and feel like they are part of a lifestyle brand that represents them.
TPC seeks the importance that whether we are discovered online, or on-site in person, that everyone feels heard and seen amongst the cult. TPC has traveled all over North America and Australia on numerous festivals, expos and conventions and has a strong online presence with a network of creators, partnerships, and collaborations. What truly sets TPC apart is the love for music, female representation within the rock/heavy rock scene, and their dedication to authenticity and knowledge to witchcraft. Being owned by a practicing witch, thought and intention goes into everything TPC creates.