Sixx Questions With Spare Parts For Broken Hearts

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We caught up with Spare Hearts For Broken Hearts when they got back from tour with Ramonda Hammer and before they're next LA show.


You all just got back from touring with Ramonda Hammer, how was it!?
SG: We all had a really fun time together. We had a bit more down time on this tour and were able to enjoy a little time in the cities we were in with friends. It was nice to be out of the sun in Seattle.

How do you pass the time while on tour?
SG: Staring out the window and over-thinking everything, but also being totally present in moments and appreciating the beauty of everything passing by.
JC: Listening to lots of music
JL: Sleeping soo much

When did SPFBH begin? Take us back to the beginning…
SG: Spare Parts began when I felt that I had taken playing solo as far as I wanted it to go. I’ve spent a lot of time in music playing multiple instruments in other bands and playing
on my own, I missed having the energy of others around me to support the songs I’d written. I wanted to front a really heavy band and wanted to make Spare Parts that band. It began w/ a phone call to two musicians I had spent the summer with on the Van’s Warped tour. It’s been evolving and refining itself in all aspects ever since, and through all of it’s changes, is definitely at it’s heaviest now and I love that.

Where do you pull inspiration from?
SG: I don’t know. Writing is the only way I can discover how I really feel about
something. It’s a way of accessing how it feels now and capturing how it felt then. It’s kind of like writing a book you’re not really sure if anyone wants to read, but you put it out there hoping that someone gets your story because it’s theirs too.

What are some things you guys are currently working on?
SG: Getting to know each other better in music and as humans within the band. We’re also wrapping up some mixes for another EP we’ll be releasing in the near future and we’re always working on new songs. I’m really excited about our newest ones.

Lastly, if you could be a super hero who would you be?
JC: (Quickly answered) Flash (Jonny’s a runner)
SG: Damn, I don’t know shit about super heroes… I just know I don’t want to be rescuing anyone.
Catch Spare Parts For Broken Hearts with Iress and The Electric West this coming Monday June 18 at the Satellite
Presented by The Pretty Cult 


  • EDWiGuBkYAZ: September 20, 2020


  • WOAuLRIKTawvSsi: September 20, 2020


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