2017 Holiday Tarotscopes

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We all need a little help at times to get through the holiday season. Our guest writer this month Rachel Fishman of Process Progress brings you Holiday Tarotscopes! 


Aries: The Chariot

Now is the time to start polishing up those Chariots so you can get ready to ride head first into 2018! Aries, you are always one-step ahead of everyone so use this special Holiday time to get extra prepared for what’s next for you. While everyone is settling in and getting cozy for the Holidays use that head of yours to start making decisions and plans about where you will go next. Think of your current motivations and goals for the new year...what DRIVES you? Now is the time to get super clear on your values and motivations so that when the time comes you are ready to spring into action without a second thought. Be aware of your tendency to be head-strong though, loosen the reigns a little bit. Your power and determination are required yes, but you need to also discover when and where to let the Universe take the lead and support you too. The holiday season is a great time for you to begin calling up your Divine support team for guidance when you need it!  

Taurus: The Fool

Taurus this Holiday season you are being asked to bring in an energy of the Fool...blind faith! You fixed-sign bulls like to have all the answers so this message may leave you feeling a bit uncomfortable and vulnerable. That is good...a complete renewal and refreshing of your passions and dreams are available to you at this time. Sprinkle your Holiday with a dose of child like innocence and wonder. Taurus are naturals at being able to experience and appreciate the beauty all around them. Being open is the key here, allow your passions to take you where they may, and allow yourself to let go of control so you can follow them! Pay attention to your dreams during this time, for they may also reveal some important information and pathways for you to follow in the physical world. Your mantra for this time is to ask “How would the Fool react in this situation? What would they do?” Allow the Fool’s energy to be your guide and lead you through the Holiday into exciting and new beginnings.

Gemini: Temperance

This Holiday season you are being asked to focus on your personal healing. Allow yourself to receive whatever it is you need to support and take care of yourself as this time. Purification is the key word here...although it may be difficult with all of the indulgence we usually experience during the Holidays! This is the time to really understand your limits and personal boundaries so that you can stay healthy and safe. This goes for food, family, even cold weather! Anything that can throw you off balance you will want to be aware of. A good technique for you is to shield yourself in a bubble of protective white light when you feel you need some extra strength and support, this can help set some energetic boundaries to keep positivity in and negativity out. Listen to your intuition and follow whatever it is you need to do to find a sense of inner peace and clarity this time of year.

Cancer: King of Swords

You may find yourself taking on the role of the peacemaker this Holiday season, and find opportunities to assert your authority and leadership skills. Even if you aren’t acting as a leader in situations per se, there are opportunities that are on the way to you which will allow you to step into this role. Although being assertive as a Crab is not always your strong suit, tap into your razor sharp intellect as inspiration for how to move forward. Remember, Swords represent emotional detachment, so use this time of year to challenge yourself to act and think with your mind, as well as your heart. This presents a powerful and potent combination for you to use as we round out the year and look ahead towards 2018. You will have the clarity of mind required to move through any challenges or obstacles that may head your way at this time.

Leo: 6 of Wands

There’s no better way for a Leo to ride into the end of the year than with a BANG! Now is the time to celebrate YOU. Celebrate all of the accomplishments and achievements that you have created for yourself this year. You deserve to give yourself a well-earned pat on the back, and you won’t be the only one, for all eyes will be on you too. It’s very important that you maintain a positive attitude as you move forward towards the end of the year, because people do talk, especially if you are going to be returning home to be with family or people from your hometown who might not be as hip to what you’re doing. Don’t stress, as long as you show up with that Leo charm and natural confidence, then you are golden and untouchable! The 6 of Wands is a wonderful promise that more is yet to come!

Virgo: 9 of Pentacles

I know you’ve been working hard Virgo, maybe a little too hard, and I know you’re almost at your limits, but just take a look at what the 9 of Pentacles has to share with you! Your hard work? It’s going to pay off. Big time. Every single drop of blood, sweat and tear you’ve put into your endeavours this year will be worth the reward you will begin to see now and into the new year. If you can manage to pull yourself away from your work this Holiday (and please do!) it would be an awesome opportunity to reflect on all of the things that you are grateful for that are supporting you on your path at this time. Focusing on your gratitude will amplify the effects of all the exciting rewards you will receive in 2018.

Libra 10 of Swords

Don’t worry! This doesn’t mean that a holiday disaster is in your future. It means that any extra burden or weight you have been carrying throughout the year, simply can not come with you into 2018. This Holiday season you are being asked to let go of anything and everything -  job, person, item, belief, fear, etc, -  that may be holding you back from moving forward into your desired reality. How do you do this? Grab a pen and paper, take a few deep breaths and create a list of everything that you are ready to let go of, everything that you are tired of carrying with you, everything that you are going to leave behind, and then burn it. Watch it all fall away in the flames. And then go enjoy yourself! Surround yourself with all of the amazing things in your life that you are taking with you into 2018. You are so divinely supported and loved.

Scorpio: 2 of Wands

Scorpio, this Holiday season your theme is building bridges! You have had a very active year and there will be lots of things to consider as you start planning for next year. This is the time challenge yourself to expand your current reality beyond what you think is even possible! Allow your imagination to take you there now because you are being asked to think BIG. Don’t worry so much about taking action right now, that time will come. This is more about planning. You will know when the time is right to take the first step and don’t delay on that! Listening to your intuition on timing right now is CRUCIAL. Trust your talents, trust your ideas, trust your instincts, and they will take you far. You’ve already done so much awesome work to get the ball rolling to make your dreams a reality so keep going!

Sagittarius: The Hierophant

I can’t help but feel that the appearance of this card has everything to do with Saturn leaving your sign at the end of December of this year. For the past two years we all, and you especially, have been exploring our belief systems, and questioning our ideals. With the upcoming transition of Saturn moving out of Sag and into Capricorn later this month, you may feel a bit uneasy, and like you’ve lost control. It will be a little bit of a relief to have Saturn leave your sign, there won’t be as much pressure on you to follow the rules. That being said, you can let loose a little more this Holiday! Sagittarius do not like to be forced into boxes and following rules, and with Saturn transiting your sign you may have felt more of a need to do so. Think of this Holiday as more of a return to your normal state. Be inspired by the curious, expansive, free-spiritedness of your sign and allow that to guide you into the new year.

Capricorn: Page of Pentacles

It’s time to get real. Manifesting your desires into the real world, that is. You have so many ideas Capricorn, and the appearance of the Page of Pentacles this season for you means that you are experiencing the joyous new beginnings of limitless potential and inspiration. Your goal now will be to put on your practical hat (not a problem for you!) and to figure out how to start taking these ideas out of your head and into your physical reality. Don’t get overwhelmed by thinking that you need to do this all at once. It is perfectly fine to take things one step at a time. In fact, this is preferred. When debating which steps to take ask: “What is the one do-able action step I can take right now that is most closely aligned with my highest vision?” You’ll need to listen to your intuition for guidance, but it is sure to steer you in the right direction!

Aquarius: 5 of Swords

Aquarius you will need to be pick your battles this Holiday season. This card indicates the need to look out for yourself at this time, as difficult as it may be for you! You are always looking out for the well-being of the group, but be wary of hostility. It is time to make a choice - do you indulge or do you stay out of it? This is the choice you’ll be asked to make. Above all, it is important for you to keep your head above water, so you can observe what is going on around you and where you fit into to the situation. It’s okay to allow yourself to put your own needs first. Think BOUNDARIES. By setting some simple physical and energetic boundaries you will be able to enter any situation safely and feel supported and taken care of. Ask your Higher Self what do they need at this time to feel safe? Be open to receiving the answers, and follow them.

Pisces: 10 of Wands

As you tread through the end of this year into the next, it is very important that you think about all the things you are carrying with you, and what you are willing to DROP. Some things you will want to take with you and others you will want to leave behind. This card is asking you to do what comes natural at this time of year, which is to take stock of everything you have gone through this year and your current position. What needs to change? What can stay the same? Your goal is not so much to figure out where you are going quite yet, but rather, to understand where you currently ARE. In order to do this, you will be required to stop. Physically, mentally, emotionally. Just stop. Judging by the image in this card, you have been pushing yourself hard! It is necessary to take pause because you might find out you are not heading in the same direction you thought you were! You might find that you need to shift directions, take a few steps back or quantum leap forward into a new reality. But you won’t know unless you take the time to be still and reflect.

Rachel Fishman is the Founder of PROCESS/PROGRESS is an intuitive branding and graphic design studio who specializes in working with heart-based, passion driven Entrepreneurs. Using her intuitive guidance and branding and graphic design expertise, Rachel helps Creative Entrepreneurs in creating a visual brand identity that is perfectly aligned with their voice and vision.

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